It can happen that an ordered article is not available at the time of the preparation of your order. In order not to keep you waiting, we send you a first package with the available items. The following packages will arrive in the same time. We apologise for the delay and the inconvenience caused by these multiple shipments.

Any complaint about the execution of the order or the packaging must be made within 15 days of receiving the package. This complaint must be made on the contact form. We will carefully examine any complaint that may be addressed to us and, if necessary, we will not refuse to replace or refund all or part of the offending goods if we are responsible.

To make such a complaint, you will have to send us, in the contact form, precise information concerning your order (batch number, storage conditions, sowing conditions....).


No action may be taken by you for defects appearing : 50 days after delivery of the products when the defects concern the germinative capacity, within the normal sowing period immediately following delivery when the defects concern the authenticity of the seed, its varietal purity and its specific purity.

It should be noted that in respect of a claim relating to identity, varietal purity, or germination, our liability, in the absence of agreement, shall in no circumstances exceed the total value of the items delivered.